Is this enough for your website?
10GB will be enough for 95% of all existing pages in the Internet.
truth about Unlimited Traffic
When you buy web hosting, you are placed on a server with several other
Each of these servers has LIMITED bandwidth, and overtraffic is
Therefore, it is technically not possible to have unlimited
When hosting companies offer you unlimited traffic, they rely on the fact that most web pages use only a small amount of their traffic quota.
In this way, even if your site creates more traffic, the surplus will be compensated by the low traffic usage of the other sites on your server.
If you review the terms of use of such hosting providers, you will find out that there are actually limitations - for example you will not be allowed to host music/video, as downloads of music/video create much traffic.
Even worse, in some cases companies offering unlimited traffic apply traffic shaping - this means that they limit the download/upload speed of your site. In this way if several people try to access your site simultaneously, they will have to share this limited speed. This will result in their connection to the site being slow, which is highly undesirable!
Remember - all resources ARE LIMITED! Offering anything unlimited is just a marketing trick!
We do not limit your site speed in any way. 5GB of traffic will be enough for 95 percent of all small business and personal sites. If you plan to have 500 visitors per day, or 15 000 visitors per month, our plan is right for you.